
Mobile Billboards for Pride Parades

Pride month will soon be here, and this gives companies a great opportunity to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community. Pride parades are amazingly vibrant and fun, so you should ensure that your advertisements give off the same bright energy! Advertising your products or services at a Pride parade clearly demonstrates your values, and that they align with the LGBTQ+ community. 

Cant Miss Us’ digital mobile billboards were utilized by several corporates during a variety of pride parades, including ones in Atlanta, Nashville, Columbia, New York City and Los Angeles. The key benefit of using digital mobile billboards in pride parades is their ability to play multiple videos and display multiple messages. 

If you’ve ever seen a pride parade, you will know that they are very exciting and very busy events, with many people in attendance as well as lots of noise and music. It is for this reason that you should consider using a digital mobile billboard to effectively promote your business. 

Pride Billboards

With the ability to show several videos, digital mobile billboards are an easily customizable way to show  a variety of content. This could be several different advertisements for different products or services, or  videos in support of the LGBTQ+ community, or a mixture of both, it really is completely up to you! 

Pride parades will give you a captive audience that are often standing still and taking in their  surroundings, giving you a wonderful opportunity to reach a large number of people. By having an  interesting and dynamic advertisement displayed on our trucks, you can reach and captivate your  audience. 

A great advantage of mobile digital billboards is the fact that they can target a variety of areas. With  Cant Miss Us, you can have the truck driven through different places at different times of the parade,  giving you full control over who sees your billboard and when. This will allow you to maximize the  efficiency and reach of your advertisements. 

As well as being easy to move, digital mobile billboards are cost-effective too. The rates for mobile  billboards are a fraction of the cost of TV or radio ads and much lower than static billboards too. On top  of this, it is much easier and cheaper to add or remove advertising video files or to change a campaign  with a mobile digital advertising truck. This means that you can fully control your advertising campaign  to suit your audience. 

Our digital mobile billboards will allow you to tailor your campaign to the pride parade that you are  attending, meaning you can reach and connect to your audience without breaking the bank! Easily  customizable, cost-effective, eye-catching and memorable – what more could you want from an  advertising campaign?